Communiqué of the Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council 2013

The Anglican-Old Catholic International Co-ordinating Council (AOCICC) met in Amersfoort, the Netherlands, from 13 to 16 November 2013. This was the first meeting of the newly mandated Council. The Council worked on the new mandate from both Communions.

The members received reports of developments in the Anglican Communion and in the Old Catholic Churches of the Union of Utrecht, and reviewed present ecumenical dialogues in which our churches are engaged. Particular attention was given to the relationship with the Mar Thoma Church. Old Catholics are in the midst of a dialogue with the Mar Thoma Church, which, like them, is in full communion with the churches of the Anglican Communion. The Revd Prof Dr Peter-Ben Smit of the University of Utrecht presented a paper outlining the progress of the dialogue.

The Council gave substantial attention to the report Belonging Together in Europe – A joint statement on aspects of ecclesiology and mission, and how it could most effectively be used to develop new areas of co-operation between the communions. The Council is commending the document to church members everywhere. Over the next two years the Council will be facilitating a process of seeking responses from Anglicans and Old Catholics at all levels. Members of the Council will develop additional study resources to encourage engagement at parish and chaplaincy level.

The full text of Belonging Together in Europe may be found at

The Council has agreed to start a process of mapping existing relationships and co-operation.

Thought was given to working together to address social issues in Europe. The Council promotes the idea of establishing a joint Anglican-Old Catholic Youth Pilgrimage to Canterbury.

The Council encourages laity and clergy of both communions to attend the International Old Catholic Congress in Utrecht, The Netherlands, from 18 to 21 September 2014. An International Youth Congress will run parallel to the main congress. As part of the congress there will be a Festive Eucharist to mark the 125th Anniversary of the Union of Utrecht on Saturday 20 September in St Gertrudis Cathedral, Utrecht. Website:

The Council worshipped regularly, and celebrated the Eucharist at the Old Catholic church of St Georgius in Amersfoort.

The Council is grateful to the Old Catholic International Bishops’ Conference and the Old Catholic Church of the Netherlands for their hospitality.

The Council will meet again in Ireland 27–30 August 2014; and in Zurich, Switzerland, in 2015.

For further information, please contact the Revd Lars Simpson +41 44 211 12 76,; or Canon Dr Alyson Barnett-Cowan at the Anglican Communion Office, +44 (0)20 7313 3930,

Websites: and


Members of the Council:


The Rt Revd Michael Burrows, Co-chair

The Rt Revd David Hamid

The Revd Jennifer Adams-Massman

Mrs Jennifer Knudsen

The Revd Tony Litwinski

Canon Dr Alyson Barnett-Cowan, Co-secretary

Mr Neil Vigers, Anglican Communion Office


Old Catholic

The Rt Revd Dr Dirk Jan Schoon, Co-chair

The Revd Professor Dr David R Holeton (not present at the meeting)

The Revd Professor Dr Angela Berlis

The Revd Dr Heinz Lederleitner

The Revd Lars Simpson, Co-Secretary