Invitation for the Summer school(s) in Old Catholic Theology 2025

by Marian Brand and Peter-Ben Smit

Good day!

We’re happy to announce the summer school offerings in Old Catholic theology again for the summer of 2025! The staff of the Old Catholic Seminary in Utrecht is eager to welcome a new community of learners to this beautiful medieval city. In what follows, we give a brief description of the offerings of this coming summer and links to websites with more information and the opportunity to register.

First off, we’re offering our classic introductory course under a new name. The course ‘Old Catholic Theology: Faith, History and Praxis’ will take place from 6 until 11 July 2025. It offers an excellent introduction to the basic tenets of Old Catholic theology, history, and praxis. Over more than ten years, groups of up to 30 students have formed an international, intercultural, ecumenical, interreligious, and intergenerational group of learners, consisting of theologians, both lay and ordained, and of interdisciplinary students who bring their experience in other fields to the course. In 2025, we’re offering this opportunity to a new group of students.

Next, there’s a brand new course entitled ‘Ecumenical Catholicity: The Old Catholic Witness.’ The course asks the question ‘Can Catholics be ecumenical?’ and answers it with a resounding ‘Yes!’ Focusing on the Old Catholic tradition, the emergence ecumenical network of this tradition, its theological basis, its impact on Old Catholic liturgy and spirituality, and its challenges will be explored. It is a great opportunity for those who wish to further their knowledge of and insight into Old Catholic theology.

Finally, these two courses can also be combined for two weeks of immersion in the Old Catholic tradition. In order to embark on this journey, the track ‘Old Catholic Theology: Contexts and Calling’ has been developed, which is offered at an inviting (discounted) price. It is highly recommended for those who look forward to gain both introductory and deepened knowledge of the Old Catholic tradition.

In the case of questions, please feel free to be in touch with the course director, the Rev. Prof. Dr. Peter-Ben Smit through

Please feel free to distribute this invitation in your network!

With every good wish for the ongoing winter and especially for the upcoming summer,

Marian Brand, course coordinator
Peter-Ben Smit, course director